Tuesday, February 26, 2013



Speak Music Radio is an online radio station that provides the listeners with a weekly radio show/podcast. With an emphasis on positive and uplifting indie music. Speak Music Radio strives to provide the listener with quality and innovative new music from all over the world. Our shows are currently aired here on our website and available for download on iTunes. You will be able to find a new show posted every week. The show features interviews, new music, discussions and fun fill entertainment from our hosts. You will have a great time listening in with our team. You will be able to find some of the hottest established and up-and coming indie Artists in the music industry. Stay tuned to this website to find updates on contest, news and much more. 

If you need encouragement if you need to get away  from all the negativity in music or you just want to uplift christ and get in tune to whats going on in Christian music. Its a new wave of different genre of hip hop rock R&B but its all about uplifting Christ and living for God. To help you in the time of need. So visit the site and enjoy GOoD Music!! 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Jesus is Serious

People may talk and try to tell you to turn it down...You praise him too much...You talk about Jesus too much...But dont let the Chatter stop you...Ppl will talk as long as they have lips...Its not suppose to stop you its suppose to strengthen your Faith...How would you depend on God if man is always motivating or congratulating you...He wants all the Glory!!

Friday, February 22, 2013

God is always working behind the scenes!

If your in a position that you have prayed and you have done the best you can do..
And your waiting for your next door to open your next opportunity...Dont think God is not working on your behalf..
So while your waiting Praise him anyway it will lift your spirits and ignite your joy..
(Isaiah 26:3 KJV)
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee."

Thursday, February 21, 2013

“We can be young, successful, ambitious, professional and a committed follower of Christ.”

What A Might God!

"Have not I command thee? Be strong and of a good courage be not afraid neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest." Joshua 1:9

This image and this scripture shows so much power....Why should we be afraid why should we worry when the God we serve has all power is his mighty hand. There is no one above him. He is the the Creator of all things. Why do we worry about our future of whats going to happen tomorrow. If you trust in the Lord your God he has you in his hand his MIGHTY HAND. So do not worry or be afraid be joyous and give him praise because we serve a MIGHTY GOD!! HALLELUJAH!!!!!

Weed and Sinful Desires

Here is a Poem From Jackie Hill  about Weed the things we don't talk about with our parents and our Spiritual leaders and teachers. She makes some good valid points here. That smoking weed may be harmless to your body but it gives you sinful desires that go against God's Holiness


